• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.

I’m sure this comes up a lot…

Honestly mate, if you're still bringing this up 4 pages into the thread, you may be a little too thin-skinned for this industry.

A pro would have laughed it off, silently internalized the (quite accurate) feedback, or said "thanks" but you have replied multiple times about it and can't let it go.

"You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you c*******? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?"
Says the guy who followed a post for 4 pages and then took the time to make a comment that offered no input regarding the original question… 🙄
You need to get a sense of humor. These threads rarely stay on topic. Kind of like O'biden's brain...often wanders in different directions.
Perhaps my sarcasm is getting a little lost in translation here…
Ok, I can see that some of you think your sensing that I’m either offended or whining, I’m not. I don’t really care how off topic the thread goes. It may say I’m new here, but I’ve lurked around the forum long enough to know how most threads tend to veer off track here. It’s fine, I’m only responding to those posts that are directed at me, and not really contributing towards what I asked about. Why waste your time and why waste mine?
If it weren't for my Insurance Forums education, I would not know that being fired by a dentist is very much like being fired by an insurance agent.

I stopped to talk with an insurance agent the other day to ask if he sold annuities. If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have been able to truly appreciate his situation when he told me he was escaping from Farmers and starting his own agency.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have truly appreciated how nice it was for him to have a 4-5 inch pile of folders on his desk of clients that wanted to stay with him. It was a refreshing change from the P&C forum posts from new agents wanting to know how to get clients.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have listened to him talking to a prospect/client and imagined I was listening to a conversation that @Al3x Lee and @marindependent must have multiple times a day.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I could not have really appreciated seeing the insurance agent referral process in action when he gave me a business card for a CFP friend.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education and the site bookmark function, I would not have access to "@Newby nuggets" of wisdom.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have access to some insights and wisdom from @jdeasy.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have been trained up in the way I should go by @goillini52 , @vic120, @TwoCents ,@Chazm, and others.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to comments by @rousemark about reading documents and comments by @somarco about "trust but verify" which saved me from some serious mistakes in a recent insurance product evaluation.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to comments by @sshafran which prevented me from making a serious mistake by buying a Medicare Advantage MSA plan.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education, I would not have had access to a comment by @sshafran many years ago which encouraged me to see I was thinking properly about an HDF supplement plan.

and .....................................
Very disappointed I didn’t get a mention. 😀
And this is why we can't have anything nice.
Everytime we get a new member, y'all flame them until they cry and leave. 🙄😒

Caveat, NOT an agent.

I am honestly not sure about my following comment in relation to the sale of Medicare products


I am 100% sure that someone that can't take some of the stuff that goes on here is not going to have the emotional strength or support systems to cope with all the vagaries and stress of selling fe on a face to face basis.
Very disappointed I didn’t get a mention. 😀

I was left out also. I may cry.

Please accept my apologies. I DID put an "and ........." at the bottom of my post.

However, I could provide two specific additions to the list.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education which included posts by @Midlevel, I could not have the visual of an insurance agent standing in the entrance of a Wal-Mart selling Medicare cost plans from a beautifully woven basket.

If it were not for my Insurance Forums education which included posts by @Yagents , I could not have the visual of a sobbing insurance agent standing next to Spike under one a them tall cactus thingys in Arizona.

I hope this helps you to feel better and have a, not just good, but, GREAT Sunday afternoon.
Anyway, after spending some time reflecting why I even considered selling insurance, if I’m honest with myself it’s because I want to protect people, specifically the senior market. They are just my people. I’ve seen my mom go through hell getting screwed over when signing up for Medicare and it really bothered me. I want to create a different experience for people and I really think I can do well at it.
This is the specially formatted response version for op:

You could give up all your insurance licenses and become a SHIP counselor or join Medicare Patrol. You could try to co-ordinate with a local pastor of a church with a building big enough to provide some temporary office space and do free Part D plan evaluations there each fall. Choices like that could solve the FMO/IMO problem for you because you would not need one.
This is the reader friendly version for all other readers:

You could give up all your insurance licenses and become a SHIP counselor or join Medicare Patrol.

You could try to co-ordinate with a local pastor of a church with a building big enough to provide some temporary office space and do free Part D plan evaluations there each fall.

Choices like that could solve the FMO/IMO problem for you because you would not need one.
This is the specially formatted response version for op:

You could give up all your insurance licenses and become a SHIP counselor or join Medicare Patrol. You could try to co-ordinate with a local pastor of a church with a building big enough to provide some temporary office space and do free Part D plan evaluations there each fall. Choices like that could solve the FMO/IMO problem for you because you would not need one.
This is the reader friendly version for all other readers:

You could give up all your insurance licenses and become a SHIP counselor or join Medicare Patrol.

You could try to co-ordinate with a local pastor of a church with a building big enough to provide some temporary office space and do free Part D plan evaluations there each fall.

Choices like that could solve the FMO/IMO problem for you because you would not need one.