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Agent Licensing test is hard

It wasn't too long ago that certain MLM type agencies used legal (at that time) temporary licenses to "hire" thousands of part-time agents to peddle their junk on the premise of earning a 6 figure income working 20 hours per week.

Testing at the state level required if you wanted a permanent license . . . and eventually CE was required. I think the temporary license was also discontinued.

So perhaps we are coming full circle . . .
I've taken the life insurance license test 3x in two states over 18 years (its been on me each time) and I've never failed.

P&C, however, I did fail once.. probably because my heart isn't in P&C
"In a joint 10-page work plan that addresses what they said was “increasing concerns about agent recruitment, retention and diversity,”

So, making the tests easier will improve diversity. The authors of this 10 page document must believe those from diverse backgrounds are not as smart as those with no diversity.........did they really say that & put it in their proposal?

Only old white guys over 55 were able to pass the tests?
It wasn't too long ago that certain MLM type agencies used legal (at that time) temporary licenses to "hire" thousands of part-time agents to peddle their junk on the premise of earning a 6 figure income working 20 hours per week.

Testing at the state level required if you wanted a permanent license . . . and eventually CE was required. I think the temporary license was also discontinued.

So perhaps we are coming full circle . . .
When I 1st started (not MLM), I had a temporary license. I think it was for 90 days. That way you could make money while studying for your test.
"In a joint 10-page work plan that addresses what they said was “increasing concerns about agent recruitment, retention and diversity,”

So, making the tests easier will improve diversity. The authors of this 10 page document must believe those from diverse backgrounds are not as smart as those with no diversity.........did they really say that & put it in their proposal?

Only old white guys over 55 were able to pass the tests?
They've lowered the bar in our schools, why not everything else. Dumbing down America.

Funny that you only have to get 70% to get your license, but 90% to sell Joe Namath insurance. :laugh:
I was young, foolish, and arrogant when I first tested. Barely studied, barely passed with a 70 something.

Had I actually studied, it would not have been an issue at all. The insurance exam is easier than many other professional exams for dealing with peoples financial future.


The issue imo that the authors disregarded is the many different niches of insurance it allows an agent to sell.

Should there be a high bar to sell a 20y term policy or $20k FE policy? Probably not.

Should there be a high bar to sell a $1m Annuity? Most definitely.

But the bar is essentially the same for both.
Only old white guys over 55 were able to pass the tests?

Define old . . .

I believe the current definition of diversity goes beyond the reflective qualities of your skin, and includes (but not limited to) . . . gender (assigned at birth or perceived), religion (including the right to believe in nothing), national origin (even if you don't know where you originated), age ( you may be 70 and feel like you are 40, or 40 and feel like you are 70) . . . the list is virtually endless.