The Switch from Tam to Epic: Tips Please!


New Member
Hello all,

After 25+ years on TAM our independent agency is switching from Applied TAM to Epic. When we first got the demos it seemed like it was going to be an intuitive switch. Then they started sending over the migration reports and workbooks and...oh boy.

Does anyone here, who has gone through the transition have any tips, perhaps day to day, for fixing/adjusting the TAM apps and data to make the switch somewhat easier? The "Migration Guide" they gave us is 160 pages and so far I know we need to do things like make sure premises/building numbers are correct, the client screens are coded correctly, delete hidden apps, etc.

Any tips no matter how basic, would be of help!
It's very difficult to make the transition, it's filled with bumps, with little help from the organization. Training? There is none. Self help videos in a "library". Hopefully, you've got some sharp tech people employed in your agency to help wade through. Figure on 2 months of havoc before things get better. Been there, done that.
It's very difficult to make the transition, it's filled with bumps, with little help from the organization. Training? There is none. Self help videos in a "library". Hopefully, you've got some sharp tech people employed in your agency to help wade through. Figure on 2 months of havoc before things get better. Been there, done that.
Is there any particular one or two aspects that really made it chaotic? Certs? Policies?
I have not gone through it personally, but know people who have. There will be a few years of cleaning up things that were screwed up or lost in the transition from what I hear. A major pain. I've also heard Epic doesn't let you finagle as many things as TAM.

I've never used TAM, but my dad loved it. He never did learn to use Epic properly.
Yet another reason for you to grab the brass ring and become CA Insurance Commissioner - A Second Generation Insurance Agent!
Kind of a big deal! My mom, dad, brother, uncle, all insurance agents.. although they're all retired now except for my brother and I