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Can We Tolerate Millions of Elderly People Living in Cars?

Hard to accumulate a lot of money and plan for retirement from your Boomer parents and grandparents basement.

I could make the argument that it's their fault that they've enabled their adult children to live in the basement. In fact, it goes hand in hand with how they didn't plan well for their own retirements.
I could make the argument that it's their fault that they've enabled their adult children to live in the basement. In fact, it goes hand in hand with how they didn't plan well for their own retirements.
That is typical of millenians and Zs. Nothing is ever their fault. It is slways someone else's fault.
That is typical of millenians and Zs. Nothing is ever their fault. It is slways someone else's fault.

Yes, boomers are just paragons of accountability and self-reflection. They never pass the blame onto others, and are always quick to admit their faults. It's truly inspiring how they haven't contributed at all to any of the societal issues we face today, including the enabling of their millennial and Gen Z children to live in their basement.

It's definitely all the fault of those lazy, entitled millennials and Gen Zs who have ruined everything...
Yes, boomers are just paragons of accountability and self-reflection. They never pass the blame onto others, and are always quick to admit their faults. It's truly inspiring how they haven't contributed at all to any of the societal issues we face today, including the enabling of their millennial and Gen Z children to live in their basement.

It's definitely all the fault of those lazy, entitled millennials and Gen Zs who have ruined everything...
Glad to see you finally acknowledge the truth.
Gen X just sitting back listening to the losers before & after me argue who is the mostest worstest ever. Currently, I give it a 50/50 tie, going into the 7th inning

While it may be questionable who is worse, there is no question about who got the short end of the stick
While it may be questionable who is worse, there is no question about who got the short end of the stick

Boomers, right? They had to deal with TVs without remotes, only 3 channels, no way to listen to their favorite music on demand without a hundred pound record player, 1 phone for family or entire neighborhood & phone was anchored to wall with 6 foot chord, no AC in house, 1 car household, 1 toilet in house. Had to go to a movie theater to watch the one movie offered.

Short short basketball shorts, single shot hunting rifles, had to get hit by a tornado to find out back weather was on its way, push lawn mowers with no motor, only had 1 gender to find a mate from, their wives had facial hair before it was cool for women to have facial hair, they had to buy dirty magazines at their local corner store instead of online 24/7, no gourmet coffee shops

Those sum bitches had it rough from what I hear
Boomers, right? They had to deal with TVs without remotes, only 3 channels, no way to listen to their favorite music on demand without a hundred pound record player, 1 phone for family or entire neighborhood & phone was anchored to wall with 6 foot chord, no AC in house, 1 car household, 1 toilet in house. Had to go to a movie theater to watch the one movie offered.
If millennials and Zs would live like this, they could afford to accumulate wealth.[/QUOTE]
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