Jay Rockefeller Wants YOUR Commissions

Anyone promoting this idea of MLR's is an ***. This is a competitive industry. Competition dictates MLR, not legislators.
You would think so but not with this socialist mindset. Why stop at insurance with MLR? Why not auto sales? Home construction? Fast food?

Why should one industry be stuck with anti capitalism and not another? Why isn't our so called lobby going after the constitutionality of the MLR instead of the mandate?

The dems don't want a mandate anyhow...
I don't know that it is a constitutional issue but it certainly flies in the face of logic. Of course I would be hard pressed to name anything logical that comes out of DC.

Natural gas was regulated in our state (and others as well) when it was a monopoly. That all went out the window when gas marketers were allowed to enter the market. Natural gas still came from the same supplier, but different marketers, each with a different rate structure, entered the market.

There are differences in prices but nothing wildly different. The market determines the price and margin. Not some regulatory body.

The clowns in DC have figured out the public isn't very bright and are capitalizing (no pun) on it. After all, a majority of voters were convinced things would be better if they elected a college professor with a gift for delivering speeches.

Punching the right buttons showed, at least for a while, the public hated insurance companies more than the govt. Now that they are catching on, the tide is reversing.
More competition...until the government stunts it. Same in MD - 1997 opened up gas/electric markets. However, the 800 pound gorilla was BG&E...who was losing business.

In a "CMS-like" situation the public utility commission announced new marketing rules for energy suppliers. No door-to-door anymore. No telemarketing - switching suppliers required a wet signature, etc...

Basically, the suppliers were only left with mailers...but had to print certain disclosures on their marketing materials that all but said "you'll really want to think before switching."

This killed off the competition and BG&E raised their rates 73%. It's change you can believe in.
What can we expect from Members of Congress. They are worse than teachers/professors. You remember the old line those that can do, those that can't teach...Well at least teachers have to read the work they grade....People in Congress may never have run a business but they craft legislation that effects businesses and the kicker they don't even read the bills anymore because as Nancy Pelosi said "we have to pass this bill so you can know whats in it."
You would think so but not with this socialist mindset. Why stop at insurance with MLR? Why not auto sales? Home construction? Fast food?

Why should one industry be stuck with anti capitalism and not another? Why isn't our so called lobby going after the constitutionality of the MLR instead of the mandate?

The dems don't want a mandate anyhow...

It seems the Dems eventfully want the public option, and will push for it if they keep control after the November elections.

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for what it's worth, I doubt that Rockefeller despises insurance companies as much as the public despises him, and other dumb-ass members of Congress